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Property Fraud Alert

Property Fraud Alert


Property Fraud Alert is a free online subscription service that allows the citizens to have their
name and property monitored within the Recorder’s Office in order to track possible fraudulent


The property fraud alert system notifies individuals by email or by a telephone call when
transactions involving their property are recorded in the Register of Deeds Office. While
Property Fraud Alert does not prevent fraud from happening, it provides an early warning system
for property owners to take appropriate actions should they determine possible fraudulent
activity has taken place. This can include notices of fraudulent liens or mortgages.


According to the FBI, there is no faster growing white collar crime in the country than property
and mortgage fraud.


This service is easy to sign up for and offers a little extra peace of mind. Property Fraud Alert is
now available by clicking on the link above. Citizens may also call (800) 728-3858 or call the
Recorder’s Office at (870) 933-4530.


The best protection we can offer against property fraud is proactive protection.

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